Make your lockdown interesting with Scavenger Hunt


If you are in lockdown and want to make things good for you all in it, you can play an interesting hunt game. The game can be played with your friends and families as well, and in that, you need to go out in a real treasure hunt in the city. The game is very simple, and you need to make things simple by going for the Scavenger Hunt.

Many people want to know about the game. Well, the game is simple, and it is the same as a treasure hunt. All you have to do is to make things simple and good, and if you win it, then you can win rewards as well. The game is consisting of riddles, hints, and clues that you have to understand and find it. It will provide you with a map of the location near your home, and you need to play it with your friends. You can see that the Scavenger Hunt game can be completed with 3-4 hours, and you can do a bit in there.

Get rewards at the end

If you complete the map, you can see that it will ask you to complete the rewards and get a good idea about it. You can see that the map draws a large X on the map, and at the intersection, you will find a pub. There you can visit and can drink and party with great offers and discounts for you. For all that reason, Scavenger Hunt is one of the top virtual games to play in lockdown.


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